Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons


I saw a video the other day that gladdened my heart. When I see homeschool graduates becoming successful (and by success I mean following their dreams and passions) I feel happy and at peace with what we’re doing with our kids.

In the video, Jon talks about being able to take advantage of opportunities in a way that wouldn’t have been possible if he had been sitting in a school room. Homeschooling freed him to be able to follow his passion. I love that. 
I’ve realised, particularly recently how blessed our children are to have such a unique opportunity. So many people think that homeschooled kids are missing out and that is so far from the truth. 

Our almost 14 year old son loves photography (among his many other interests). There are very few photo opportunities where we live, so I am committed to travelling to picturesque places to boost his inspiration. Yesterday we went to these beautiful botanical gardens (during school hours of course) in freezing cold and drizzly weather. We had the whole place to ourselves.

He got to try out things he has been learning about, like how to photograph moving water.

While the girls played forest pixies inside a massive redwood.

He is also currently doing cooking classes with Jamie’s Ministry of Food – once again, during school hours.  This is indulging and encouraging his interest in cooking.

There is so much to learn, love and do in this wonderful life we’ve been given!

Here is the link to the video:

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