Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

New things happening!

It’s been a week of “firsts” for me and a busy one at that! I have launched my first ever website, and though it’s still a work in progress, it’s looking quite nice and hopefully will make it easier for students and customers to find me on the internet.

I have kept the layout clean and simple as that is what I like to see when visiting a website. Drop by and have a look, I’d love to know what you think!
I also launched my first newsletter, something I have wanted to do for a long time. I was surprised by the response and already have a large list of names of the subscription list, which is wonderful.
You can join the newsletter list from this site or my website.
Then of course, there is my new teaching school. I love having classes on this platform, which is easy to use and lovely to view. I have had a lot of positive feedback on this new format and it saves all the headaches that the Youtube platform has given me over the past year! 

I hope all these new changes make your learning experience with me more enjoyable. Now that everything seems to be in place, I think I’ll get back to what I do best – making classes!

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