While these years have flown so fast and so much has happened since I hesitatingly uploaded that first video, I thought it a good time to reflect and share a bit more of my journey with you, particularly if you have only found me recently.
Some of you have been with me almost since that first video, and I believe that I have most to thank you for. It is the first viewers who encouraged me to make more videos, who threw amazing compliments in my direction, and who have shown me so much love these past 3 years.
So, lets go way back to the beginning. Before weaving, I had many, many crafts under my belt.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuhY5e1X4-k[/embedyt]
I didn’t expect that many people would watch it, and that was fine by me, I just wanted to share with anyone who may be interested. It wasn’t long before I started getting comments and very positive feedback. People were asking me to make more videos and I couldn’t believe it.
Me? Introverted, dull as dishwater housewife me? I was pretty astounded at the response!
I made some more videos and I discovered something about myself. I loved teaching! I had taught my kids at home for a long time (my oldest homeschooler is now 20!), but this was teaching adults something I was really passionate about and I wanted to keep doing that!
As I made the videos, the cost of materials started adding up and I had no job or real income at this time. Youtube had a “paid channels” feature and so, I started one. I charged roughly $2 per person, per month and this enabled me to keep going because people joined and paid.
In my “spare time” I started putting together some weaving designs to sell in my Etsy shop. I now have many designs, and once again, I’ve been amazed at the response. I also love designing and look forward to continuing doing that.
Back to Youtube, where it was abruptly announced that the paid channel platform was closing. This left me with a quandary – should I try to find another platform or is this a sign that I should close down. Well, my students came to my rescue and begged me to continue.
A short time later, I found a great hosting platform – Teachable and have been with them ever since. Youtube closing the paid channels was a HUGE blessing in so many ways and has allowed to go forward in ways I could not have imagined. If you haven’t seen my Online Weaving School, please check it out to see what I’m talking about!
I now have 61 classes available, including my first floor loom course. Being on a professional platform has challenged me to do better and construct my classes to give students an optimal learning experience. I must be doing something right, because the school continues to grow and I continue to get awesome feedback.
All of this has been made possible because people like you support me in so many ways. You support me with your enthusiasm for weaving and learning. You support me financially, which allows me to continue to grow this little business. You support me on a personal level with your kind messages and many prayers over the years.
A topic that is often discussed in business circles is “success”. Success to many, seems to be when you reach 6 figures, as though there is some magic monetary value that means you have made it.
I earn a living (maybe not a lavish one by the opinion of many, but it helps to feed and clothe my family!), I get to do what I absolutely love, and I’m surrounded by wonderful, supportive people.
Am I successful? Heck, yeah!
I want to thank you all for making this happen. I had no idea that I was capable of running a business that began with a hobby and a passion. My hope is that I can continue to do this for the rest of my life, and with all the plans and ideas I have for my online school for the future, I shouldn’t have too much trouble achieving that goal!
God has blessed me abundantly through this venture, I pray He blesses you too!