Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

The Open Heart

This new project has been on my heart for a very long time but I’ve felt unsure how to start.

I’ve seen and felt a need to reach my audience in a closer and more authentic way. To connect with those who want to, to share more of myself and my life, to be a little more vulnerable and real. Maybe to even create a small and intimate community or inner circle folks. To encourage and inspire.

In the years since beginning Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons some things have developed within me that have surprised me.

The first things is a love of writing. I’ve had a lot of practice writing articles about weaving and other topics here on my website. Some have asked me to write a book but I don’t really feel like now is the right time. And yet, the desire to write and give more is there and it’s strong.

The second thing is the desire to share. I will be the first to admit that I’ve never really liked talking about myself, I am quiet and sometimes “closed”. Recently I’ve realised that this reluctance to share myself can be detrimental to myself and my relationships.

And while I still don’t like talking about myself, if sharing more of myself helps others then I’m all in.

Slowly, I am learning that when you open up, allow God to work through you, you can truly make a difference in the lives of others.

I had an idea to make and grow something new, something that feels authentic to me and is helpful to my people. I have a lot of ideas. I’m an ideas girl. Some of my ideas I look back on and realise they were quite daft! Other things that started as the tiny seed of an idea have grown into huge life blessings.

So I had this idea and I became very excited about it. I started working on it. And then I lost confidence. “Why would anyone want to listen to me?” “How presumptuous I am to think that anyone would be interested in this!” And so went the inner voices.

When I can’t make a decision, I give it all entirely to God. So I asked Him to help me discern. I said “if I’m still interested in this idea tomorrow, then I will continue. I will expect nothing to come of it, I will just try”.

I woke up and thought of my idea. I still lacked the confidence. By mid morning I was banging out some thoughts on my keyboard. By mid afternoon I had my first edition finished and ready to go.

You must be wondering at this point – what is the idea?!

It’s a newsletter. Yes, I know, I already have The Weekend Edition. That is my free weekly, weaving related newsletter which will continue.

But this is a new newsletter and it is very different. It is a fortnightly newsletter and it’s the real me.

It feels like a big risk, I have never, in my almost 10 years as a public figure on the internet, put myself out there like this. Maybe it is a bad idea. Maybe no one will sign up or read it. Maybe it will end up on my “failed ideas” pile. But it is on my heart, and I must try.

The newsletter is called The Open Heart. It is about me and my life but it is also very much about you. I will be candidly sharing my life, my thoughts, my hopes and disappointments is a way I have never done.

The Open Heart is very Christian. If you are not a Christian or are not interested, this is not the newsletter for you. There will be bible verses, living out faith discussion, relationship with God discussion, because for me everything stems from my faith in God.

Other topics will include homesteading, fibre arts, weaving (of course!), nature, recipes, encouragement, health, reading and so much more because there is so much I love to do.

The Open Heart will be a paid newsletter. The cost is less than a cup of coffee at $5USD per month. You can subscribe and cancel whenever you wish.

No, this newsletter is not for everyone and that is my intention. I want those of you who desire to connect with me more deeply, to be encouraged and inspired. To be thoughtful, to contemplate and improve your own way of living. A small, invested group of people. That is my hope.

If you are interested in subscribing, I would love to see your name on the list 💖

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