To be honest, I don’t really like to talk about myself – yes, I’m a pretty classic introvert.
What I do like to talk about is weaving!
My weaving journey began on a rigid heddle loom, but I was fascinated with the weaving process long before I ever picked up a shuttle and wove my first pick.
All these years later I have not lost the sense of wonder that comes from taking yarn and making fabric from scratch.
I still weave on my rigid heddle loom(s!) but have added an inkle loom, floor loom and tapestry loom to my collection. All of them are in constant use!
My Online Weaving School began by sharing a couple of videos on Youtube and unexpectedly receiving an overwhelming response. The school exists because of the support my students have given me. It is a wonderful place of learning, inspiration and sharing and I feel so blessed to be able to teach in this way.
In addition to teaching, I sell my designs as PDF patterns and these have also proved very popular.
My family and I are blessed to live in a beautiful area in the southern end of Australia, right near the coast and surrounded by nature 💖
Hi Kelly, yesterday I tried to subscribe to one of your class, but on my credit card, it seems that I have paid twice. Today, I received an email that says I didn’t pay at all. Is it possible to help me with that?
Hi Marie-France, I haven’t been able to find your name or email address in my database. Could you email me and let me know which email you use for your Teachable account? kcweavinglessons@gmail.com
how come the class I just signed up for can’t be found.? there is sure a lot of adds and junk tho..
Hi Joyce, the weaving school can be found here – http://kelly-casanova-weaving-lessons.teachable.com/?preview=logged_out
How can I cancel the classes. I thought I already did that
No problem Peg, I have ensured that your membership has been cancelled.
Best wishes
In a video, you discussed how how amazon allowed you to receive a commission on products that your members purchased. How do we sign up for this program to assist you?
Thanks for asking Francis, you can either go to my Amazon shop here -http://www.amazon.com/shop/kellycasanova
You don’t have to shop in my Amazon shop, but it’s an easy way to get there with my link and then any of your purchases for 24 hours afterwards will give me a commission.
Or you can use any of my Amazon links you come across, this one is an example – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyEo6QwTT9g&list=PL-ylSN6rN3gSyl6AueoGC1ntDlSdUL2pA&index=2
I’m trying to find out what I signed up for that was $50. It was a special deal but because life got in the way I don’t know where to find it. It’s been several months
Hi Alice,
I found you in my database. You signed up for Weaving Boot Camp. Follow this link, login and you will see your class within your account – http://kelly-casanova-weaving-lessons.teachable.com/?preview=logged_out
Dear Kelly,
My name is Chantelle Hamilton and I live in South Africa. I buy hand spun alpaca wool from very disadvantaged women who live on farms. The women then use the wool to weave blankets on a 120cm 48′ rigid heddle loom. We have all learnt together how to weave but need to learn more skills. I saw your online course which looks amazing. My main question is this: Lots of the people who buy our blankets want the blankets to be wider. We can do a 250cm length but the width is only 90/100cm. Then I saw your posts about how you can double the width using 2 heddles. Is this possible with such a big loom?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Hi Chantelle,
I love the sound of the work you are doing, well done!
The short answer to your question is yes, you can use two heddles and weave double width on your larger looms.
Admittedly, the technique is easier to work on a loom that is not as wide, but it is still doable.
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for replying,
Ok great I will sign up for your course and give it go! Let me know if you would like to see the 4 min video we put together showing what the ladies do and I can email it to you.:-)
Kind regards
Yes please Chantelle, I would love to see the video ❤️
Kelly, i received a notice from Teachable saying $127 is due on May 2. It is my understanding that $157 was taken from my account in February to renew for this coming year.
I’ll email you to discuss 😊
I have learned so much from watching your videos, so thanks for providing them! Is there a way I can send you photos of recent pillow tops I made using the clasped weft techniques from that video? Thanks!
You can email them to me – kelly@kellycasanovaweavinglessons.com