Kelly Casanova Weaving Lessons

New to rigid heddle weaving? Start here!

Welcome to the wonderful world of rigid heddle weaving!

Weaving on a rigid heddle loom has become very popular in recent years, which is hardly surprising. Rigid heddle looms are compact, affordable and user friendly.

A rigid heddle loom is so versatile and not just for plain weave (unless of course you are just head over heels in love with plain weave!) There are a multitude of techniques you can employ to weave interesting and beautiful cloth on this simple two shaft loom.

Here you will find just some of the articles that will help get you started as a brand new rigid heddle weaver:

What IS a rigid heddle loom?

What can I do on a rigid heddle loom?

Rigid Heddle Loom Cost Comparisons

How is a Knitter’s loom different to a Rigid Heddle Loom?

Choosing and Using yarns in weaving

What tools do I need for rigid heddle weaving?

Rigid Heddle Weaving Patterns for Beginners

Can you really weave that on a rigid heddle loom?

My loom just arrived, now what?

What do I need to get started in rigid heddle weaving?

Great rigid heddle weaving books

Should I buy a larger loom?

Weaving Glossary

How to read a rigid heddle weaving draft

There are many more articles and you can find something specific by using the search bar.

I hope these articles help you to get started.

Until next time…

Happy Weaving!

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