Yes, we are expecting baby no. 4 sometime in August next year! I’m very excited but have also been terribly sick, hence my continual absence here. Feel free to leave your pregnancy nausea tips here, there may be one I haven’t tried yet!
I’d also love to hear from anyone who has had repeat caesarians as is unfortunately the case with me.
Today we are trying to make preparations for Christmas which has been seriously hampered by my condition this year, but we’ve managed to make decorations, do the tree and are making marshmallows. The lunchtime bread is made and cooling. We’re keeping our food fairly simple this year too, my dear husband has to work Christmas day but there are prawns in the freezer and a lasagne (kid’s request) in the works. Husband will make his famous truffles as usual. We will attend the vigil mass tomorrow evening.
What a lovely time of year, I hope yours is too.
oooh congratulations!
Hope all goes well š oh my I guess to have the first 3 months during the festive season makes one a bit green in the face with all the food smells.
Congratulations!!! That’s wonderful news although I do hope the nausea passes soon for you
Congratulation on expecting a new little bundle of life!