Anna Grace has safely arrived! She was born on Monday morning weighing 3.29kg (7 pounds, 4 oz.) and she is beautifully perfect. The operation went very well and this is my best recovery yet.
The children all love her so she has received a warm welcome into our family. She feeds well and is, so far, a very contented baby.
Thankyou dear God for another beautiful blessing. We are so grateful to have her.
A belated congrats! She is gorgeous, what a blessing! Hope she is doing really well and giving mumma some rest time too??
Love & peace,
Ema Lou X.x
she's beautiful! and her sister looks very proud 🙂
congrats again, Kel 🙂
congratulations, little Anna is just beautiful! How precious these times are with new babes to care for. Hope your recovery keeps going smoothly.
Dear Kelly,
I haven´t paid you a virtual visit for a little while… So wonderful that all went well and that you are back home with a very sweet little girl! I keep my fingers crossed that everything is going well, that you get a lot of support to recover soon and that you find some calm moments every day just for yourself.
Sending you a very warm hug,
Thankyou all, she is doing so well! Feeding and sleeping beautifully, so far, so good.
Beautiful little thing – I hope you are both doing well.
Congratulations!!! She is perfect, what a blessing and joy these little ones are!
wow – wonderful news. Just been away for a week so I am catching up on blog posts – yours is the most exciting one !! Congratulations and good that she is settling in so well.
Congratulations on the arrival of baby Anna Grace. She is absolutely gorgeous!
How lovely, and what a gorgeous picture of the two little ones. Big hugs and congratulations.
Welcome little Anna Grace… it`s a very beautiful girl!
Congratulations she is gorgeous. Hope you don't have too many sleepless nights. Take care Carol
Congratulations and all the best for you, the baby and the rest of your family.
Kelly- She is perfect!
Welcome to the world little Anna Grace!