Some delicious things are starting to appear in the lead up to Christmas!
These sweet delights are for a good friend who loves macadamias (and happens to be a sweet tooth too!)
Nut brittle is deceptively easy to make and you can use any nuts or a combination.
Here’s what I did:
150g raw unsalted macadamias
1.5 cups white sugar
Roast the nuts at 180 degrees (celscius) for 5 minutes or until lightly browned and smelling gorgeous. When done, place on a lightly buttered tray.
Place the sugar in a heavy based pan ( I used our cast iron pot) on a low heat. When it starts to dissolve, stir. Continue stirring until completely dissolved and golden brown and smelling gorgeous.
Pour the dissolved sugar (toffee) over the nuts, leave at room temperature to set. Break or cut into pieces when hard, store in an airtight container.
I love the look of those choccy macadamias!