As I mentioned in another post, someone had skirt envy after seeing her sister’s old skirt makeover.
This time I made up the skirt as I went along. I started with white cotton lawn, made 3 tiers and an elasticated waistband.
The first dye bath was pink, then, while the skirt was still damp I dipped the bottom hem in yellow to get the graduated orange blending into the pink. The effect I was after was something like a sunset.
It’s a little more mottled than I would have liked and next time I’ll make the colours stronger, but it’s all good experience and plenty of fun.
My husband thinks I should make these to sell.
A while ago I won talented Israeli artist Ayelet’s giveaway and received this print of one of her artworks yesterday. It’s just gorgeous, she has a wonderful style. She’s also selling embroidery patterns of her artworks now, head over to her Etsy shop for a look.
Thank you Ayelet, I love it!
why did I wrote Amanda?????? its DEAR KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Amanda!
the skirt is SO lovely! realy!
and with your sweet sweet model it is the best!
and I agree- if you enjoy making it , I think other little girls will love them too, so it wirth to try selling them,
I am realy so happy that you liked the print illustration! thank you back for showing it!
The colors came out so bright and beautiful!!
I am the other winner from Ayelet's contest. I can't wait to get that sweet little fairy print (:
I agree with your husband. Selling them would be great.
What a lovely colour that came out, gorgeous!! Love Posie
Cute skirt and very cleve tooo with the dying.