That’s my brain at the moment. No sooner do I sit down to do something than I have to leap up again and then there is the constant noise – none of it’s very conducive to calm and rational thought. Add a teething little one (yes, again!!) into the mix along with sleep deprivation and life is, well, a little messy right now.
It’s been a full on week with the show preparation, music lessons, stitching group and …. what else? I can’t remember now.
Sound familiar to any of you Mums out there? š
Creativity with the children has taken second place but I’ve managed to fit in a few moments here and there.
Jamming with the girls. Did you know that finger sucking can be quite instrumental? Speaking of unusual instruments, check out these guys who make all their instruments from fresh vegetables.
I think salt resist is one of my favourite techniques thus far.
Christie over at Childhood 101 has recently suffered the tragic loss of an unborn baby and is asking for others to speak about their own experiences in order to help women going through miscarriage. I don’t feel inclined to go back over my experiences but perhaps you would like to visit her blog and make a submission. It’s a very good thing to have the support of others at these times and I think many of us don’t receive the sort of support we need.
I love your blog.
Great vegetable link!
Wow! drilling vegetables and music too ! my son was in raptures. We just loved their video, thank you for sharing it, even though I will have no carrots or peppers left now š Beautiful dyeing too. x
Cool dyeing, great colors, cheers Marie