You know how some projects just drag on and on, you lose your enthusiasm or don’t have the tools you need?
I started this cover for my A4 size art journal yonks ago, I don’t even remember when. I really liked these fabrics from a Crafty Mamas swap with Carolyn so I wanted to use them to make something I would be seeing often.
I started out hand quilting but realised it was going to take me forever (those who hand quilt entire quilts now have my utmost admiration!) so I bought a free motion foot for my sewing machine and made this my guinea pig. It took a while to get used to and I still need practice. Youtube was a big help, except when I saw that 4 year old girl machine quilting like a pro, then I felt really embarassed!
My son has been having a go at fabric painting and has had some fantastic results! Here are a couple of his first swatches.
He’s looking forward to doing lots more.
Ok, that’s all from me for now, I have to get back to baking that lemon curd tart I started. I want to say thank you to those who commented on my last post – all very helpful and constructive advice.
Watch out for a giveaway here in the very near future.
journal covers are on my to do list too. I love that fabric but I also really love the blue one. Hope your lemon curd turned out nice š