And here is a sneak peek for you of what I’m currently working on, I’m going for big texture!
Blogs to check out
I’m featured!

Inspired to Action
I really like the short and sharp post on the Inspired to Action blog today.
I’ve been featured
I’ve been featured on Ayelet’s blog, go and take a look. Thanks Ayelet!
Really inspiring
I’ve been participating in a couple of blog themes each Friday (Saturday here is Oz.)
If you’re looking for some beautifully inspiring projects, tutorials or just eye candy check out these links (you’ll see me in there somewhere too!).
The Magic Onions – Friday’s Nature Table
Natural Suburbia – Friendship Friday
Thanks for your recent kindly comments, I think I’m on the mend now and I’m planning on making my hands busy today (at the sewing table of course!)
Wishing you many blessings this weekend.
A little update
I’ve been on bedrest for a few days with that awful pregnancy muscle pain again that means I can’t stand or sit for long, but lying down is fine. Not terribly practical when you have 3 children and a house to run! Thankfully husband has had a couple of days off work to help so I can rest.
I managed to knit this little fellow in a semi reclining position:). Its hard to find things to do other than reading (no sewing!) Less than 5 weeks to go now, I wish it could be tomorrow…….
Go and check out this fabulous giveaway on the Australian Etsy Blog , so many wonderful prizes to choose from, I’ve entered!
Well, most of the day was spent dollmaking, after the usual housework drudgery was satisfactorily (half) complete. My doll inspiration seems to have returned with a vengeance, I only lament the lack of time compared to the number of ideas. Just came across the Froken Skicklig blog, how gorgeous are her dolls?! (not to mention her other work). What does she use for hair? How does she get her dolls to look so warm? Aren’t the little knitted caps beautiful? Can you tell I get excited when I find dolls I love?
Happy Saturday all!
Wool felt rabbit
Here is what I came up with yesterday, I would make changes to the pattern if I make any more. The kids were competing over who was to be the new owner, but the boy won out. Unfortunately the rabbit was declared “too stiff” for snuggling in bed with!I’ve been checking out the Duggar’s website, this family has inspired me for a long time, truly wondrous.I hope you enjoy your weekend in peace and joy. God bless you all.