I’ll be posting the tutorial seperately seeing as it’s photo heavy. But first, an introduction starring the Peg Doll Girls!
I’m so pleased to have another doll finished. It seems so long since I made one, I’d almost forgotten the enjoyment it brings me.
This is Ginger. She is 16 inches tall and available in my Etsy shop now.
Garden fairy and soap
One of my nieces (did I ever mention that I have 29 nieces and nephews?!) sent me a lovely handmade card for the baby so I decided to send her something in return (she is 5 years old).
Being a lover of all things pretty and girly, I thought a little 4 inch garden fairy would be just the thing. I was happy to get these light filled shots of the said fairy as it was a gloriously warm and sunny winter’s morn.
I made some goats milk and vanilla bean soap for a gift. It smelled gorgeous in the pot, almost exactly like panna cotta. Speaking of panna cotta, have you ever made it? You must, you must, its simply wonderful and easy too! Here’s a recipe for you:
Err, if you’re on a diet or watching your weight you may have to develop temporary amnesia before you down this cool delight!
Vanilla Panna Cotta
Serves 6
3 cups cream
1 cup milk
the seeds from a lovely moist vanilla bean (you can use vanilla extract, but it ain’t the same!)
3/4 cup sugar
4 tsp gelatine
Bring the milk, cream, vanilla and sugar slowly to the boil. Remove from heat. Dissolve the gelatine in a little warm water just before stirring in to the cream mixture. Allow to cool to warm before pouring into moulds or some sort of container (I just use a plastic rectangular dish with tall sides) Cover with plastic wrap and set in the fridge overnight.
We have only eaten it plain, but next time husband suggested doing some fruit soaked in liquer as an accompaniment. I quite agree!
Some of my favourite dolls…
I’ve lost count of how many dolls I’ve made and sold now.
I do have my favourites though.
Most are now scattered across the United States.
They’re all different and I loved making each and every one. Some people ask me if its hard to sell them, to let them go. No. I love the thought that someone loves what I do enough to buy one.
I love the thought of a little person getting around with one of my dolls tucked under their arm or into their bed.This one is still for sale in my Etsy shop, the rest have been sold. I enjoy the challenge of custom orders too, you can purchase directly from the shop or contact me from here.
I hope your day brings you happiness, craftiness and contentment!