Where to start when writing a post like this? It’s not like I’ve ever experienced anything like this before. But that’s the thing that really unites all of humanity at the moment. We’re all in this together and none of us are immune from the possible and real effects of the coronavirus.
Many of us are isolated in our homes, some working from home, others facing the uncertainty of job insecurity. No social meet ups. No extended family meet ups. No popping out to the shops to pick up some milk. It’s a completely different lifestyle to what most of us are accustomed to.
I know that there is some concern about the impact all of this could have on mental health if the isolation has to continue for some time. We don’t know at the moment when it will be safe to resume former activities, we don’t know if we will contract the virus, and if we do, we don’t know how bad it will be. There is so much we just can’t predict or plan for.
In many ways, it feels like life is completely on hold. No planning ahead, no getting ready to go back to work or school or social activities. For now, we just have to BE.
People have been talking about the state of JUST BEING for a long time. Of being present in the moment in whatever we’re doing. To think, be grateful, live slow. In the busy, noisy world of today, that goal can feel unrealistic and unobtainable.
Enter quarantine. And self isolating. And social distancing. Enter 2020 and COVID 19.
What if we completely turned this pandemic thing on it’s head and focused on the positives of what it means for us right now?
How many times, as you were rushing off to work in the morning or dragging yourself home at the end of the day, have you wished that you had more time? Have you thought to yourself “if only I had an extra day, I could take the time to learn to…… (fill in the blank)”. Or when you’ve been absolutely run off your feet and wondered why? Why am I doing this? Is this what I was meant for? Then why am I so unhappy?
That hobby that you’ve “always wanted” to get started with. “Maybe when I retire!” you may have joked. Or “I’ll do it once the kids have all left home and I have some time to myself”.
How about now? In this time of major uncertainty, perhaps you feel a bit lost. But maybe it’s time to search and find. Maybe it’s time to discover what God is leading you to – what talents are waiting to be revealed, perhaps even find out what you should really be doing and who you really are.
I’m finding that it’s wonderful time, not just for discovery, but re-discovery as well. I am taking more pleasure and satisfaction in my daily tasks as a homemaker. Baking bread is not just something that I do an have done for a long time anymore, now it’s an important skill that provides my family with food.
Preserving vegetables is something I can take pride in, knowing that my family will have healthy fermented vegetables to eat even if we can’t leave our home to go to the shops.
Our garden has become a major focus as we aim to grow as much of our own food as we can. It’s something that the whole family can work at and reap the rewards and benefits at harvest time. It gives us time out in the fresh air and sunshine too.
I have been thinking for some time how I would like to make soap again, it’s been so long. Now, it happens that you can no longer buy soap, you can however buy ingredients to make soap.
I’ve been writing on this blog since 2008 and if you look back on past posts, many of them are related to simple and frugal living. It’s something I’ve been both striving for and living out for a long time, and something that just makes sense to me. It’s serving us pretty well at the moment!
If you’re interested in reading some of my “posts from the past” related to simple living, I’ll list some here:
Back to Basics, Frugality revisited
I have a lot of recipes, all of them are simple and frugal. You can search the “recipes” tab on my blog or type in “bread” or “recipe” in the search bar and you’ll be inundated with posts! I need to do an updated bread blog post, as I make bread in a different, very easy and intuitive way these days.
If you’re looking to learn how to weave, start with my Youtube channel. I promise it will keep you busy for many, many hours!
This has become quite a rambling post, but I guess what I really want to say is: What are you going to do this with this time? How are you going to be different? Are you the person you want to be? The person you were made to be?
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What will you do with it?
Well said Kelly. I completely agree. My husband and I have been endeavoring to live a much simpler life since making the decision to move to the farm 10 years ago. That decision has been a blessing over the past decade, but we are even more grateful in these current times. God is good, all the time!
From my quiet time reading this morning:
Grateful Living
When you’re tempted to indulge in melancholy or discontentment, may you instead jump up, raise your hands, and thank God for His daily and divine intervention in you life. May your humble gratitude give you keen spiritual insight and restful peace.
Blessings to you, your family, and my fellow readers of this blog.
Beautiful Debby, I love that ❤️
Kelly, thank you for this post. I have spent my first week of “social distancing” doing a lot of knitting. Your post and videos of the Van Gogh tapestry has inspired me to pull out my loom, thank you. I’ve been considering baking bread again which should be fun. Take care and be well.
Thank you for this, Kelly! You are a calming voice among the confusion. Last July I retired and looked forward to spending my time weaving and working part time as a teacher’s aide. I was on top of the world… and then, all of this.
Now I lay awake at night. Not worrying so much about me, but about my family and the school children I’ve become so attached to.
I’ve been fortunate that my weaving has always been considered to be my “therapy” in difficult times, as well as good times. and it continues to be that today. I don’t think I’ve used the therapeutic benefits of weaving any more than what I have these last few weeks.
I’m still grateful for so many things — high on that list are people like you that provide that calming and nurturing effect.
Thank you for all you do .. and for who you are!
Hi Kelly,
Thank you for your blog entry- it is a good reminder that there certainly are always opportunities, even at the most sober moments, to be, to learn, to share and to help. It does seem that there is time now for reflection, as well as “catching up.” I’m not able to see my grandson, who I normally take care of 4 days a week, so I’m catching up on projects that have been sitting in a basket, waiting for finishing! Being over 65, I’m also being careful not to go out, so Face Time has become a great gift to keep us all connected.
I am making face masks for first responders, since here in the USA, we are so short of so many things needed at the front lines of defense. In between doing that ( mostly at night) I am knitting quite a lot and taking some of your lessons so that when I start to weave, I’ll be ready!
I hope you and your family are well. I used to do a lot of preserving; perhaps its time to revisit that idea!
Your portrait at the spinning wheel is quite stunning.
Take care, and keep on inspiring all of us to move forward while also being very much in the present!
That’s a lovely post, Kelly. It gives lots of food for thought too. I live in an apartment, so I haven’t got facilities for growing anything. I have been thinking about doing more cooking,though. Mostly, I’ve been concentrating on my crochet and weaving projects. Also I’ve been busy with phone calls – both receiving them and making them. Lots of sitting and reading and thinking and reflecting and praying. I do miss meeting my friends though and hugging those I love. Take care, and thank you for all that you do and all you that you teach us. God bless. Liz xx
Thanks Liz, you too ❤️
Thank you for your post Kelly, I completely agree with you, I’m steel working but a lot less than before this corona virus arrive to Chile, schools and university’s are closed so my children are at home with online classes, and I’m improving my weaving on the the loom and taking advantage of the last fruits of the summer making jams and canned for winter, greetings and be safe
That is lovely Cristi, to have the children at home with you and doing interesting and beautiful things ❤️
The photograph of you at the spinning wheel is stunning! Your family should frame the portrait and hang it over the fireplace.
Thank you for sharing your uplifting thoughts, Kelly.
Thank you Annie, that is so sweet ❤️
I love this post “When your life is on hold”. How many times have we said to ourselves “please stop the world and let me get off”. Now we have just that and I intend to use the time to the full. I’ve got some weaving on the go already which is almost complete, and then I can take up your recent series of tapestry weaving videos. I have saved them all but not allowed myself to peek at the content just yet. Many thanks Kelly. Might even check out your bread recipes.
Take care everyone.
I love that you’re “saving” the series for when you’re ready, I love to do that when I’m looking forward to something ❤️
Thank you Kelly. A most inspiring piece. This is the most positive thing I have read since all of this began. I am new to your weaving site and to the blog so I have not read about your lifestyle before the last few days. Your lifestyle is something I have been dreaming about for my retirement. Of course I have been thinking and questioning myself, “Why have you not been doing this sooner?” Answer? Like so many, I have put myself in a bind work wise and financially. Each time my husband and I are one step closer to our dream of our move to a smaller town and simpler life one more thing comes up and our plan is put on hold. Guess their is another plan in the meantime! I guess part of the plan was meeting up with your website because if not for all that has been happening I would not have found this place of comfort in the awesome world of the web! I admire your determination and commitment. You do it with such a beautiful attitude and non judgmental attitude. With encouragement and love. I am drawn in with hope and enthusiasm. Thank you!
Beautiful words, thank you Judith. It is so good to be among like minded friends in these times 😊
Hi Kelly –
Right now weaving is keeping me sane and relaxed.
The US is getting slammed hourly and the Chicago suburbs are like ghost towns. People here are practicing safety measures when going outside or the market. We are all staying in or walks with distance in the forest preserves. My friends and I have a daily crafty club through Facebook messenger.
Stay healthy and safe.
You too Lori ❤️
Thank you for the post Kelly, reminding us that we are all in the same place. I think that some people may possibly rethink their goals in life once this is over. I have never been bored and don’t even know what it feels like. I have so many interest that time never seems enough to get to every thing. Not much has changed for me with this crisis since I am retired and I really like my company anyway. It’s just a little weird not being able to go where I want to go.
Hoping everyone stays healthy.
That’s great to hear Brigitte 😊
Kelly, what a refreshing post! We, too, are frugal in our ways, making this period of confinement less stressful for us. Weaving, spinning and knitting keep me going. Living simply is far less stressful. Thank you for putting your thoughts to “paper”!
Thank you Kelly for your wise words. We know God is still in control.
Psalm 46:10. “Be still and know that I am God.”
Thank you Kelly for your wise words.
Psalm 46:10. “Be still and know that I am God.”
Love this post! My husband and I have been working on the simple life for along time now! We love staying home so this is no different for us, and the simple life is what we are always striving for! Learning to weave has fit right in to my life style and I feel so lucky that I can do it! It is truly balm for the soul! And right now everyone could use a little of that! Thanks Kelly for all of your positive posts and lovely weaving lessons!
“Balm for the soul”, yes, I totally agree!
A lovely perspective. So different from the “hardship” things that you constantly hear these days. It’s just my husband and I out in the country here. I’m retired, and really the only thing that has changed majorly for us is that he is working from home. I’m going to try to look at each day as an opportunity now. Thanks for the fresh perspective!
What a lovely post!
This is a great opportunity to stop and re-evaluate what is important.
For me, I would never get bored, so many projects to do.
Unfortunately, I am a key worker, been on Annual Leave this week and returning to work next week during this time of social distancing so it’s business as usual for me, squeezing crafting into evenings and weekends!
I hope you stay safe and keep well ❤
My positive thought for the day is that once this is over we will have a double reason to celebrate. Today is my daughter’s birthday and we always gather for a family dinner to celebrate such occasions… not this time. I’m attempting to finish some current projects and then will turn to Kelly’s classes and learn a new weaving technique. Well, I’ll attempt to at least.
Yes, we can definitely look forward to an end to the virus, hopefully it will be before too long 😊
I am a pretty solitary person. I am comfortable with myself. I do miss seeing my children and grandchildren but I am seeing more of my husband so that is a bonus. We have enough frozen and preserved foods to last a long time. We do need fresh feed for our animals but other than that we have sufficient stores. We have so many chores and hobbies we could never be bored so we are extremely fortunate. We are indeed counting our many blessings. Thank you for sharing with us and reminding us of possibilities beyond our every day activities.
Glad to hear you’re keeping busy and doing all those good things ❤