Search Results for: weaving
Garage sale score
Husband got all these games in mint condition for $2 each! And no missing pieces!!These are from a time when they bothered to make games out of durable materials and not that light, crappy plastic.I’ve never played Jumanji and Yahtzee I remember my Nanna playing with my siblings but I never wanted to play (don’t know why).I feel a games night coming on!Oh, by the way, I’ve made a few changes to the look of my blog, even girls can have too much pink. Hope you like it!
Another bear doll

She is being sent as a gift to someone who has been generous to me. I like making these – they’re really cute and feel just right to hold. My 3 year old daughter is giving much encouragement at the moment with her exclamations of “oh Mum, she’s beautiful!” and by hanging around the sewing table to watch and read to me while I work. I even have to appreciate my 19 month old daughter snatching handfuls of wool from the bag and running off with them held to her face – at least she appreciates natural materials!
Teddy bear

I finally finished this bear for my son. Bearmakers – I take my hat off to you, this is much more difficult than I thought! I had numerous problems in the making process and was not in positive spirits when I finished. He is 13 inches tall and passed the snuggle test lastnight, so at least he’ll be well loved.
Waldorf teddy doll
I’ve been thinking of combining doll and bear making for ages – and here she is!
I just happened to have some left over fur fabric from the bear I’m making for the boy, its so lovely and soft. I think this one would be a perfect night time companion. She is in my Etsy shop now, although some “little people” here would prefer that she stays……
SOLD – Thankyou Krissy!
Velvet pouch doll
Wool felt rabbit
Here is what I came up with yesterday, I would make changes to the pattern if I make any more. The kids were competing over who was to be the new owner, but the boy won out. Unfortunately the rabbit was declared “too stiff” for snuggling in bed with!I’ve been checking out the Duggar’s website, this family has inspired me for a long time, truly wondrous.I hope you enjoy your weekend in peace and joy. God bless you all.
Emmeline apron

Knitted pouch doll
Little Theresa
Here she is as promised. She is the first doll I’ve given a fringe (bangs if you’re not an Aussie) and it looks quite cute. I gave her freckles too. She is 9 inches tall and going to reside in my Etsy shop today.