I so love this juggling routine – he takes a minute to get going but stick with it, he’s truly fantastic!
What the day brings
My boy
A few of you have been having trouble leaving comments here. I’ve hopefully fixed the problem now, please let me know if you still have trouble.
A gorgeous day
I woke this morning feeling really tired, but as soon as I peered out the window my spirits were revived. It was a glorious summer’s morn.
I felt it would simply be wrong to let the day pass without taking the children out for a picnic. So we packed up some lunch and headed to the local gardens. We found the perfect spot under the shade of a great willow.

Aaah, the beach.
Although I entirely despise the hot weather, I do love getting to the beach with my family. We are blessed that we live not too far from some beautiful and clean beaches (no bay swimming for us!) Yesterday afternoon we had a great time at the beach, I don’t know if the children are ever as happy as when they’re at the sea.
In my typical fashion, I forgot to take the camera, but found this gorgeous photo by Luka Skracic. We were swimming just to the left of the pier you can see here. I wonder if any Victorian readers recognise the location?
What a week! I attempted this sketchy self portrait tonight, which not only doesn’t look like me, it also doesn’t convey the intended message- that is, I’m exhausted! It started on Monday with a trip to Emergency for a suspected broken arm (our 2 year old, not me!) Several hours and x – rays later the patient began using her arm again as though nothing had happened, we now think it was a dislocation that popped back in when being handled for the x – rays. Mid week I was “sprung” with the surprise that 2 nieces would be arriving on my doorstep at an hour’s notice. After a 3 night stay and a baby who insists on crying nearly all day, every day, I was starting to feel a little put out and frazzled. The nieces (who are lovely, by the way) have now been delivered to another destination and we are back home resting after the lengthy drive.
Now here’s the best part. As you know, I’ve been dutifully handwashing since my washing machine broke down. Ta – da! I now have a new, larger and better washer and all is right with the world again.
And now to enjoy the rest of the weekend, hopefully with the absence of any phantom broken limbs or unexpected house guests!
It’s terrible, so terrible!!!
No, not this – this is wonderful! Carolyn sent me these goodies as part of the CraftyMama’s swap. Thank you Carolyn, I love it.
Now for the terrrible, terrible news (waits for hushed silence..) My washing machine, my long time friend and ally has given up on me. I’ll admit that as my family has grown, so has the work load, but this is totally uncalled for. The words “newer”, “bigger” and especially “better” have been floating around. The handwashing was a novelty for a short time, I imagined my ancestors toiling in a similar way (except they had to heat their water too!) and I even turned it into a game for the children (I swear Dame Washalot had an awful existence!) but after an hour my back was aching and I started to feel my time could be better spent. I’ve already started perusing the catalogues for a replacement (accompanied by the gasps of horror from my son when he sees the prices).
A year’s supply of Tim Tams!
I entered the Tim Tam giveaway on behalf of my son and he won!! Is this a good thing, I’m not so sure?! Anyone for a Tim Tam?

The lovely Lady Ophelia tagged me with this. Thank you Ophelia!
The rules are:
-Thank the person who gave you the award.
-Post ten honest facts about yourself.
-Pass the award on to seven others.
So, here we go:
1) I am a “Jack of all trades, master of none”. I find it hard to focus on one thing for too long but want to have a go at everything.
2) I am an introvert. I usually avoid social situations.
3) I love God and my religion.
4) I proposed to my husband when I was 17 and he was 16! (He accepted!!)
5) I loathe television, we are a TV free home and intend to stay that way.
6) I’m a “doer”, I like to always have something on the go.
7) I used to work as a singer at weddings, hotels, parties, but the late nights became too much. I still miss singing though.
8) I am driven to be creative, I don’t feel myself when I can’t get to the sketchbook, the sewing machine or just a needle!
9) I’m a pretty plain and ordinary person living a pretty plain and ordinary life, but I know there is great value in what I do (even if I find it hard to remember that at times).
10) Tomorrow is my tenth wedding anniversary! My husband and I are going out for dinner together (accompanied by baby of course) for the first time since our son was born (9 years ago, gasp!!) I’m so excited!
Now, to tag seven others…..
Mia Henry, Willow and Moo, And so, I sew, Mad Quilter, Romi Jade, Sew 2 B Happy and Cherri – Berri.
The dream
When I was 13 I had a dream that I would grow up to marry a famous rock star, in fact, in this little fantasy land I was a famous singer too. I could hold my imaginary audience captivated for hours. I can see you smiling, I know I’m not the only one who had that hope! 20 years and a family later I am happily married, and although he may not be famous, he is a star to me and the children.
So, what now?
I still have many dreams but this time around they’re a little more realistic and some may even be achievable.
I dream of living in the country in a big old house with rambling and productive gardens. (There is no drought in my dream!)
I dream of knitting needles and embroidery before a quietly crackling wood stove.
I dream of running a successful design and craft business from home and being able to share my skills with others.
I dream of land where the children can run in freedom and safety.
I dream of many animals, vegetable gardens and quiet, simple and happily productive living.
Sounds idyllic, doesn’t it? Well, who says dreams can’t come true – I live in hope.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Last week for the giveaway, it ends on Saturday. I’m so excited to see so many entrants, my brain is buzzing with ideas for a Christmas giveaway now.