We tend to be a hand – me – down magnet as a family which is mostly a good thing, but involves sorting through bags of clothes we often don’t want and that end up in the charity bin. Recently I saved a few items that were made with nice fabric but in a style I didn’t like or were too big for my girls. Cut out the seams etc. and ta – da! Free fabric.
So here is the first installment, a top made from 2 other tops. The crocheted flower was a gift, so, apart from the thread and the sweat of my brow the top was completely free.
Some cute hair accessories over at Nadine’s blog – I can see these in my girl’s hair!
Help needed!
I have a growing interest in Crewel embroidery but haven’t gone so far as to buy the crewel wool needed yet. The design above is a simple one from a crewel work book which I worked in stranded floss. I’d love to have lots of little framed embroideries around my home, so this one will be the first. I actually want to do one for the laundry, seeing as I spend so much time in there these days and it’s possibly the least attractive room in the house!
I love hand embroidery very much and hope to increase my skills to teaching level one day. It is such a rewarding pastime and is so rich in history.
I do have one problem (see above). My mother in law kindly gave me her embroidery tin many years ago and this is what sparked my interest. Each new lot of cotton I buy ends up in here – a tangled mess! I would like to treat my cotton respectfully and increase my stash, but this is holding me back. I’ll consult my friend Google for solutions, but if anyone has any helpful suggestions I would be most grateful!
Sarah is having a great fabric giveaway over at The Last Piece, hope I win! (Or at least if I don’t, I hope you do :))
Go straight to GardenMama’s for a most magnificent giveaway!
What a week! I attempted this sketchy self portrait tonight, which not only doesn’t look like me, it also doesn’t convey the intended message- that is, I’m exhausted! It started on Monday with a trip to Emergency for a suspected broken arm (our 2 year old, not me!) Several hours and x – rays later the patient began using her arm again as though nothing had happened, we now think it was a dislocation that popped back in when being handled for the x – rays. Mid week I was “sprung” with the surprise that 2 nieces would be arriving on my doorstep at an hour’s notice. After a 3 night stay and a baby who insists on crying nearly all day, every day, I was starting to feel a little put out and frazzled. The nieces (who are lovely, by the way) have now been delivered to another destination and we are back home resting after the lengthy drive.
Now here’s the best part. As you know, I’ve been dutifully handwashing since my washing machine broke down. Ta – da! I now have a new, larger and better washer and all is right with the world again.
And now to enjoy the rest of the weekend, hopefully with the absence of any phantom broken limbs or unexpected house guests!
By Ophelia, thank you for bestowing the honour upon me once again!
What is a very interesting fact about you?
I did ballet as a youngster for 6 years. One of my teachers wanted me to audition for a national travelling performance but my mother wouldn’t allow it. I wasn’t very happy about that!
What are two things in this world that you love very much?
God and my family.
What’s the last thing you ate?
Porridge for breakfast this morning (note last post!)
Who is your favorite movie/book character?
Anne from Anne of Green Gables.
What is your favorite colour?
Don’t have a favourite but I prefer “warm” colours to “cool”.
Are you random?
Do you have a totem animal?
Someone would have to explain what that is – I have no idea.
How many people follow your main blog?
What is your favorite animal?
I have a bit of a “thing” for alpacas at the moment!
Downhill or Cross-Country skiing?
No thank you.
Soda or water?
Weekends vs. School days?
Any day as long as it’s a good one.
Trees or flowers?
Flowering trees?
What is your favorite movie?
The Passion of the Christ.
What is your favorite book?
Lots, but a few would be:
Anne of Green Gables (the whole series)
Little House Series
Anything design or crafty that inspires me.
“Your Vocation of Love”, Agnes Penny.
How long have you been on blogger for?
Almost 18 months
“Porridge is knowledge!”
A woman I used to care for in a nursing home would often say “porridge is knowledge!” (RIP Ludmilla – lovely lady). I myself am so enthused about porridge that I’m posting about it today. I think of it as a sort of all round superfood. It is very cheap, very healthy, and very filling. Not to mention it tastes good. If you’re also a porridge enthusiast here is a brief historical account and some Scottish recipes here.
Just don’t you dare make it salty like my mother in law used to! YUK!
We are so blessed to have had a lot of rain at this time and the garden really has some marvels to show for it. I don’t know that it has ever looked as lush.
The rather unattractive colourbond back fence is now completely dominated with flowering jasmine and dolocus.
And, most exciting, there are more than 3 apricots on the tree this year! Now the challenge is to convince the birds that we actually love them more than they do.
What I’ve been up to…..
Apart from lamenting my washing machine situation (I have to wait a week just to get someone here to look at it!) I’ve been fitting in a bit of crafty time (in between being stuck in the laundry handwashing). Above is a needle felted lady, my second attempt at needle felting. Very enjoyable.
No one misses out in this house. Blog readers, meet Rosy – Rosy meet blog readers. She is one of my girl’s constant companion, so I made them matching dresses with the leftovers from Corrine’s fabric.
It’s terrible, so terrible!!!
No, not this – this is wonderful! Carolyn sent me these goodies as part of the CraftyMama’s swap. Thank you Carolyn, I love it.
Now for the terrrible, terrible news (waits for hushed silence..) My washing machine, my long time friend and ally has given up on me. I’ll admit that as my family has grown, so has the work load, but this is totally uncalled for. The words “newer”, “bigger” and especially “better” have been floating around. The handwashing was a novelty for a short time, I imagined my ancestors toiling in a similar way (except they had to heat their water too!) and I even turned it into a game for the children (I swear Dame Washalot had an awful existence!) but after an hour my back was aching and I started to feel my time could be better spent. I’ve already started perusing the catalogues for a replacement (accompanied by the gasps of horror from my son when he sees the prices).