Cornflake slice
Egg throwtogether slice
It’s a strange name for a dish but I’m at a loss to know what else to call it. It’s one of those dishes you make over the years and alter to suit what you have available. I have made this a lot since we have been keeping chooks and have plenty of eggs. So here’s a basic recipe to get you started:
10 large or 12 smaller eggs
1 onion
3 – 4 rashers of bacon
1 cup milk
1/2 to 1 cup of milk
1/2 cup self raising flour
1 cup cheddar cheese (use some parmesan too if you have it, it’s delicious!)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tomato
salt & pepper
garlic salt, herbs, other seasoning (optional)
Cut up your bacon into small pieces and fry in olive oil until browning and smelling amazing. Add in chopped onion and continue to fry until browning. Lay into a large greased dish. (I use a large rectangular dish or roasting tray, as long as it has deep sides).
Whisk eggs in a bowl, add olive oil, salt, pepper and other seasoning if using. In a cup mix the flour with enough milk to make a paste, continue to mix in milk until runny in consistency.
Whisk the milk and flour as well as remaining milk into the eggs. Pour the mixture into your dish, over the bacon and onion.
Sprinkle grated cheese all over, then place thin slices of tomato on top.
Bake in a hot oven (200 degrees celscius) until golden brown on top.
Beautiful served with fresh, crisp salad.
There are plenty of other ingredients you can add to this, lastnight I dumped in a cup of leftover cooked rice. You can add grated zucchini, leftover roast vegetables, capsicum, tuna etc.
A very quick and easy dinner that all the family loves! If you try it let me know what you think.
Homeschooling makes Mum smarter too!
I’m very often asked whether, as a homeschooling Mum, I am a qualified teacher. My reply is usually along the unpopular lines of “I believe every parent is qualified to teach his/her child”. Which is usually met with a blank stare, followed by a polite if not bewildered “oh“.
The truth of the matter is that I am a university dropout who wasn’t particularly academic at school. I put in the effort, but didn’t get the grades.
Since I started homeschooling I’ve realised how much I don’t know and how much of the drivel I was taught at school was incorrect, hypothetical and (in my opinion) stupid! Homeschooling is like being given a second chance at learning. Even though you are the teacher you are learning and revising at the same time and it’s a wonderful thing. It makes me a more effective teacher because I am a genuinely interested student.
If you have considered homeschooling but don’t think you have the smarts I recommend to give yourself a chance, and with the right resources and attitude, you can do it!
I was lucky enough to win
Kitchen appliances I love
Gulp…. I’m scared!
Heart swaps and op shops
Really inspiring
I’ve been participating in a couple of blog themes each Friday (Saturday here is Oz.)
If you’re looking for some beautifully inspiring projects, tutorials or just eye candy check out these links (you’ll see me in there somewhere too!).
The Magic Onions – Friday’s Nature Table
Natural Suburbia – Friendship Friday
Thanks for your recent kindly comments, I think I’m on the mend now and I’m planning on making my hands busy today (at the sewing table of course!)
Wishing you many blessings this weekend.
Under the weather
I’ve had a funny virus this week that’s left me feeling pretty run down. It has also coincided with the little one teething so I haven’t had a decent sleep for a while. I feel like my brain’s wound up while the body is the opposite. I’m sick of my house, sick of my daily routine, sick of feeling sick of……. I feel like I need some serious cheering up.
Maybe a visit to the oppy?…….. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.