1/4 cup bicarb soda (baking soda)
1/4 cup cornflour
4 tablespoons organic virgin cold pressed coconut oil
10 drops essential oil (optional) My favourite is lavender.
Mix all ingredients together until creamy. If the oil is solid it can be melted with heat to combine with the dry ingredients more readily. After your daily shower, just rub about a choc dot sized amount of paste onto the armpit area. In hot weather, your deodorant will melt unless kept in a cool spot, I keep mine at the bottom of the cupboard in the ensuite which is a very cool room so mine only melts on really hot days. If it does melt, it won’t affect the quality, just give it a stir and pop it in the fridge until solid again.
It’s cheap, it’s healthy, it’s No Bake Date Slice!
The Simple Life
Is the simple life about living the dream or living the reality? The dream for me is a country property and earning a good income through a handmade business. The reality is suburbia, traffic, very little time to devote to a business of any kind and a very limited budget. But that’s not the point, right?
The point is, what can I do right now to live the simple life given my circumstances?
I was pondering the simple life and what simplicity means to me. It occurred to me that one of the most rewarding parts of simple living is that you can take very little and turn it into something
Home made bread for example. Usually 4 ingredients. Inexpensive, ordinary ingredients. Add time, love, technique and you have something awesome.
Weaving is another example. With threads and a loom I can make the most beautiful variety of things.
Soap making? Once again, very few ingredients. A bit of time and attention and you have a whole batch of creamy, natural soap for your family.
That property in the country may or may not ever happen, in the meantime I will try to be grateful for all I have and all I can do. And if it does happen, I guess I’ll be well prepared 🙂
Finished twill towels
Weaving twill towels and a fluffy “assistant”
Bite your tongue Mum.
“Sometimes I wonder whether you will ever learn anything!”
“Are you kidding me, you tipped it over again?!”
“What is wrong with you?!”
“You have ruined my day!”
“Why can’t you be like your brother/sister?”
“You make me so angry!”
Gosh, aren’t they nasty statements?
Well, I’ve thought of all of these, quite regularly in fact. The worst part is I’ve even said some of them to my children.
It’s really hard to not verbalise these thoughts sometimes. But I look upon it like this. I’m storing up treasures. These treasures are especially for my children. Each time I bite my tongue is a little victory. Yes, for me, but so much for them.
They may not know about your interior struggle but they will remember your words. 5, 10, 20, how ever many years down the track, they will remember your words and how you made them feel.
I know this. You know this.
Is it time for you to start storing some treasure too?
Madam Tickleberry’s tea party
Clasped weft table runner
Clasped Weft weaving on a rigid heddle loom
My latest video is now available to view, I hope you enjoy it!
Knitted kitty
Over Christmas the weather was very warm and I was very tired. The whole family was tired. So we spent quite a bit of time watching movies and documentaries together and keeping things quiet. I get restless hands if I just sit and watch something, so it was the perfect time to pick up a bit of knitting.